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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Monday, May 21, 2007

Shavuot 5767

Celebrating birth of the Jewish Nation over 3000 years ago at Mount Sinai

Jews all over the world gather in their synagogues and homes, and stay up the whole Shavuot night to learn Torah. It is an unbelievable personal and communal experience to see the sun rise over the horizon in anticipation of receiving the Torah all over again. If you have never done it, please consider it. What have you got to loose except some sleep, but who can sleep when you can witness the most earth-shattering experience in the world-history without exaggeration; G-d communicating his most intimate thoughts to human beings. Consider this: the three major religions of the world have many different opinions and believes, but they all agree on one issue - the revelation of Torah at Mount Sinai to the Jewish people at the presence of their Prophet Moses.

Let us set aside our differences at this special night, unite as a people with one voice and one heart, and receive in peace and love, that which has been our life blood since that awesome day over 3000 years ago.

There is a fantastic array of Shavuot-related articles in the cyber space. If you decide to stay up, please print and read some of them, and contemplate at how fortunate you are, "ashreinu, ma tov chelkeinu". Here is a small sample:

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Friday is Rosh Chodesh Sivan; Time for special prayer for our children's success

We Iranian Jews are notorious when it comes to the wellbeing of our children. Again, is this because of our Jewish or the Iranian side, or perhaps both? Of course, every parent in any society wants the best for their children in all areas of their lives. However, we have been specially blessed with many Torah giants who have paved the path for us as how to set our priorities in raising our children. Such Torah giant is Shelah HaKadosh, who composed a special prayer for children.

Shelah HaKadosh composed this special prayer to express the prayers of parents on behalf of their children. The Shelah said the optimal time for parents to recite this prayer is Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, but it may be recited anytime. The holy Shlah HaKadosh left Europe in the 17th century and made his home in Israel, becoming chief Rabbi of Jerusalem.

The Artscroll website states: "All parents want the best for their children — that they should be good and upright, that they have everything they need for a fruitful, joyous life.

(We recite the prayer anytime but especially...) on THE DAY BEFORE ROSH CHODESH SIVAN (This Thursday May 17th) , for that is the month when God gave us the Torah, and when the Jewish people began to be called His Children. On that day, (the Shelah Hakadosh) writes, fathers and mothers should give charity to the poor and repent. They should even fast, if they are able to."

You can find the text of this special prayer, and its translation here, courtesy of shemayisrael

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