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Monday, January 02, 2006

Observant moms go high tech

This is an inspiration for our young daughters.
... "Lipman also believes that the religious training she and other ultra-Orthodox women share gives them a different and important outlook on high tech. "It has a lot to do with training and how you think. When you learn to read a verse and read a commentary by Rashi and not let any word get past you that you don't understand...if you're grounded properly, then nothing goes by without a question, and you assume that there's an answer. And that is a very different approach to engineering and invention, which is: Gee - who says I have to take it for granted that things are this way. Maybe there's another's a different way of thinking, and it's an education which encourages you to think deeply, not to take things at their surface value. So I think that is a profound advantage." ...

Read the full article here, and while you are there, read about all the latest innovations coming out of the Land of Milk and Honey.


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