jewish +/- irani

Sunday, April 09, 2006

SOS Emergency!
Imprisoned Jewish Mothers

These are truly stressful times for the Jewish people, and the pressure on the Jewish household is mounting. The family relationships are constantly tested to the limit by yet another demand from a parent or a sibling to do this, that, or the other. But we must be steadfast in our emunnah and bitachon, that is faith and trust in the Almighty, and know that we are on the right track doing the right thing, provided we know our boundaries and parameters.

All the Jewish men must give all they can to be there at the darkest corners and at the most out-of-reach places!. This should be a lesson especially for our sons, brothers and husbands of high moral caliber not to abandon our families at such trying times.

If you don't know what I am talking about here, please watch this moving video about the love of a Jewish daughter for her imprisoned mother at such a crucial moment of Jewish history.

This video is courtesy of Zichron Mordechai Web Site, and was originally brought to my mailbox by the great guys at the Beyond Teshuva, an excellent Site on its own right.


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