jewish +/- irani

Sunday, January 28, 2007

How fortunate are we!

Although by now we should have been used to all vile and anti-Semitic garbage from the officials of the islamic republic of Iran, this "talk show" has set a new low in telling lies and spreading historical inaccuracies; Theodor Hertzel sitting with hitler!, give me a break.

At times like this I just look up and thank G-d;

"The Almighty, thank you to allow us to see your miracles in our time; to see our freedom from the bondage of the mullahs to safer shores. Look down from your Heavenly Throne and take pleasure in your beloved sons and daughters. The children and grandchildren of those who left pre- and post-revolutionary Iran are now sitting in LA, NY, Baltimore, London, Jerusalem, Bnei Brak,etc., and are learning your Holy Torah. Nothing short of a miracle is happening in our communities. Jewish Iranians the world over are learning to walk in the traditional paths of their forefathers Avraham, Ischak, and Yaakov. Not everyone yet, but an increasing number of us are waking up and realizing the beauty of Torah study and traditional Jewish living. And even those who have not quite yet appreciated it, are heavily involved in charity work and acts of chessed. Gaze down from Your Throne of Glory to LA, Manhattan and Tel Aviv, and see all those who are rushing to collect and those who are donating to myriad worthy causes; Torah study, missions to Israel, hospitals, poor and needy, widows, orphans, disabilities, etc. Ashreinu, Ma Tov Khelkeinu!"

There we go Ahmaghinejad, suck your thumb.


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